St. Albert the Great strives to answer the Gospel call to love and serve Christ and one another. From our very own pews, to our local and global communities, we answer Christ's call.
It is through the financial generosity of people like you that we are able to provide so many great works to our parishioners and those in need. Thank you for your generous support.
Gifts of Treasure are always accepted via cash and check. You can place your gifts into the collection basket at Mass, drop them off at the Parish Office, or mail them to St. Albert the Great at 1395 Girard Drive, Louisville, KY 40222.
Through the Give+ App, you can access and use your Online Giving account anytime, anywhere. The Give+ App is available for free download in the Apple and Android app stores. Click here for more information.
Non-Cash Gifts
Gifts of Treasure can come in many forms. Giving via Stock Donations, 401K withdrawals, bequests, and more are great ways to give to maximize your gifts.
Another great way to donate to St. Albert is via Stock donations. Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest ways to give more to causes you care about. You can turn in a Stock Donation form anytime to the Parish Office or contact Larry Brunner: 425-3940 ext. 102.
Annual withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts are required after age 70.5. Making donations to St. Albert via your 401K is an easy way to meet these withdrawal requirements and to help your parish community. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Brunner: 425-3940 ext. 102.
We humbly ask that you consider St. Albert the Great in your will. Establishing a planned gift to St. Albert the Great in your will or in a trust is a great way to give to our community while also continuing a legacy within our parish. Planned Giving methods include:
Charitable Bequests
Charitable Trusts
Appreciated Stock or Mutual Funds
Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
Gifts of Property and Real Estate