Youth Ministry
Are you passionate about your faith and working with teens? Do you enjoy planning events or retreats? We are currently looking for a Coordinator of Youth Ministry who can minister to the adolescents and young adults in our parish. Contact Kelly Evans at kevans@stalbert.org.
Senior High Youth Group
All high school youth of St. Albert the Great Catholic Community are invited to be part of our Catalyst Youth Group. The purpose of our group is to come together, connect, and support each other as we navigate our Catholic identity in our lives. Our gatherings range from social events to opportunities to grow in our faith.
Junior High Youth Group
All 6-8th grade youth of the St. Albert the Great Catholic are invited to be a part of our 412 Youth Group. The purpose of our group is to explore our faith, make friends, and have fun. It is an opportunity for us to explore a variety of faith topics, have trivia/game days, and continue to build our middle school community. Join us as we live out our faith as the young Church in everything we do as we Love God, Serve Others, and Be Disciples!
Youth Led Holy Hour
The third Sunday of the month from 7-8 PM , high school youth will be joining with St. Aloysius in Pewee Valley for RESTORE. RESTORE is a youth led holy hour (Adoration) featuring praise and worship music, reflection, and time for silent prayer. Following Holy Hour, youth are invited to join us from 8-9 PM to hang out, decompress, and reset for the week. Topics will vary each month.
The permission slip is needed since this is an off property event. Please bring it when you are dropped off at St. Aloysius at the Old Chapel.

Looking to Serve? Visit Service Central for ways to get involved!
Adult Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in serving the youth of the St. Albert the Great Catholic Community, we need your help! We need adults to serve as our second volunteer for our youth group meetings and events. If you are Safe Environment trained, please consider signing up to assist with our middle school or high school youth.
Adults must be 18+ and graduated high school to work with our middle school youth. Adults must be 21+ and graduated college to work with our high school youth. If you have questions please reach out to Kelly Evans, Director of Stewardship & Communications, at 502-425-3940.