Social Concerns

Social Concerns Committee
The Social Concerns Committee seeks to develop opportunities for the parish to express its faith in action and fulfill its commitment to the Gospel message of serving those in need and working for peace and justice. This committee is involved with community groups, organizations, and other area churches to collectively meet the needs of the poor, the hurting, and the vulnerable in the community. Lastly, the committee helps keep the parish aware of issues related to promoting the dignity of human life via educational and advocacy opportunities. Parishioners who wish to help organize and invigorate our community outreach and service to others are invited to attend to join the ministry.
For more information contact the parish office at 502-425-3940.
Social Concerns Ministries
Appalachia Outreach
This ministry conducts a yearly collection of new and gently used clothing, household items and furniture to support our Kentucky neighbors living below poverty in Appalachia through the Appalachia Outreach in Piarist, Kentucky. Collection also includes school supplies, computers and other technology and classroom equipment to support Catholic Education at the Piarist School in Appalachia Kentucky.
Contact Dennis & Kathy Roux.

Loaves & Fishes
This ministry collects and distributes food donations (canned goods and meats, formula, etc.) for various food banks on a monthly and annual basis. Collections are the first weekend of each month. Our annual Thanksgiving Basket collection for Eastern Area Community Ministries and St. Vincent de Paul Open Hand Kitchen helps countless local brothers and sisters put food on their tables for Thanksgiving.
Contact Mary Jo Burke at 339-8908.

Lenten Tree
The Lenten Tree Ministry is an annual gift-giving event which presents the parish with the opportunity of expressing our appreciation to our retired religious for their service and commitment to the Catholic Church. St. Albert the Great Parish families purchase small gifts which are given to show our love to over 400 religious from various organizations, including the Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph in Owensboro, KY, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth through Nazareth Home, Nazareth Home-Clifton, and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Contact the parish office.
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree Ministry is a yearly event during Advent whereby Christmas gifts are purchased by St. Albert families to support locations within Kentucky as they tend to less fortunate children and adults. Christmas trees with ornaments for this ministry are displayed in the Gathering Space in November.
Contact Linda Blackman at 974-5371.
Hand in Hand
Hand in Hand Ministries seeks to build strong communities around the world, knowing that this goal begins at home. Throughout the year, St. Albert’s sponsors several collections of needed goods that are delivered to Appalachia. The Social Concerns Ministry also seeks to provide financial assistance to Hand in Hand Ministries throughout the year. Additionally, Immersion trips to Appalachia and Belize are offered throughout the year.
For information about Hand in Hand, contact the Louisville Office at 502-459-9930.

Habitat for Humanity
This organization provides housing for low-income families by giving them the opportunity to build and purchase their own home. Volunteers provide assistance for the home construction. Houses are built every other year. Our next build will be in 2024.
Contact the parish office.

Eastern Area Community Ministries (EACM)
This organization is a covenant of churches formed for ecumenical and social service in the eastern area of Jefferson County and currently embraces twenty-seven member churches, including St. Albert the Great. EACM was founded in 1990 to address the human needs of persons living east of the Watterson Expressway and north of I-64, by sharing resources, coordinating ministries, and providing services. Neighborhood Visitor Program (NVP) is one EACM. NVP provides emergency assistance with food, rent, mortgage, and introduced a mentoring program with a focus on providing self-help projects that will assist and encourage the clients to become self-sufficient.
Contact Denis Roux at 412-0852
or Mary Lou Schmitt at 425-8549.
Sister Visitor Program
An agency of Catholic Charities, Sister Visitor Program is designed to aid people in crisis situations in Louisville’s West End. St. Albert supports their efforts through our Back to School Project, a seasonal drive to collect clothes, money and gift certificates to purchase school items for needy children served by the Sister Visitor Program. There are many volunteer opportunities available at Sister Visitor.
Contact Sister Visitor Center directly at 776-0155 to learn more.
For information regarding St. Albert's Back to School Project, please contact Heidi McQuillen.
Respect Life Committee
Created as we are in God's own image, we should build a world where human life is always loved and defended. The Respect Life Committee coordinates efforts to promote and pray for the sacredness of life at all stages including the unborn, children in poverty, the elderly, the disabled & neglected, and those living in refugee camps, war zones and prison. The committee sponsors the Baby Bottle Boomerang and Mother's Day Card Sale in support of Little Way Pregnancy Center.
Contact Mike McGrath.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Red Cross Blood Drives are held at St. Albert quarterly in Visitation Hall. This ministry helps to provide much needed aid to those in emergency medical situations. For dates of upcoming Blood Drives contact the Parish Office at 495-3940.
For more information about the Drive itself or to volunteer, contact Mary Jo Bird at 426-9963.
Justice Initiatives
Justice Initiatives is a global social ministry within the parish life that provides information and education of the Catholic faith, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in regards to guidelines on legislative, judicial, and global issues. In collaboration with Catholic Relief Services and a multi-parish Social Justice Committee within the Archdioceses of Louisville, we foster solidarity and justice through education, action, and financial scholarships to advocate and enhance the dignity of life for the human person living in poverty and deprivation. This ministry strives to make Christ present through service to the least of our brothers and sisters through social justice initiatives. This occurs in the form of various opportunities, such as the annual "Catholics at the Capitol" event, Speaking Engagements with Legislative Representatives, work with Catholic Charities' Refugee Ministry and Refugee Mentoring Program, and more.
Contact Paula Mattingly for more information.
The Justice Initiatives Committee oversees the disbursement of funds for emergency assistance and through grants and monetary awards to non-profit organizations. If you volunteer with a non-profit organization that aligns with Catholic Social Teaching, Justice Initiatives may be able to provide financial support for an organization's non-operating needs. Complete the Justice Initiatives Grant Application to submit your interested non-profit for consideration. Grants must be submitted by current parishioners.
Environmental Concerns
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…God saw how good it was.” Indeed. The earth is not only good, it is essential to all life. It is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. As stewards of the earth, God has called us to protect and preserve this gift. Pope Francis has expressed this need to protect and preserve in his encyclical: Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home, and his Laudate Deum This has become more important than ever before, especially for our children and grandchildren.
If you would like to join in this service of protecting and preserving the earth, now’s the time to act. A new Environmental Concerns Committee is being formed at St. Albert the Great. Please contact
Mark Wehrley or call 741-3216 or text, 456-5176.
St. John's Center
St. John's Center for Homeless Men helps homeless men address barriers to self-sufficiency and housing so that they may leave homelessness for good. Shelter hours are 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. seven days a week. Basic services include showers, coffee, mail, and TARC tickets. Donations of coffee, powdered creamer, sugar, artificial sweetener, toilet paper, paper towels, white socks, deodorant, copy paper, razors, towels, washcloths, and stamps are appreciated. There is a basket on a pedestal at the rear of church near the Parent Chapel where donations may be left. Volunteer opportunities available.
Contact parishioner Pat O'Bryant.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is to respond to calls from the needy for temporary assistance. The ultimate goal of providing help with food, rent, and utility bills is to empower the needy to be able to help themselves. Collections for St. Albert’s SVDP conference are taken up on all fifth Sundays throughout the year. If you wish to donate to SVDP, please fill out any checks to “SVDP Conference of St. Albert the Great, Inc”. Donations can also be made via Online Giving.
For more information about St. Albert’s SVDP conference contact LuAnn West.

SVDP Open Hand Kitchen
The St. Vincent dePaul Open Hand Kitchen is another opportunity in our community to help those in need. The SVDP Open Hand Kitchen serves free meals 365 days a year to shelter clients as well as the poor and working poor in our community.
For more information about SVDP Open Hand Kitchen, contact Lori Duvall.