Lifelong Education & Formation
As people on a journey of faith, we are called to a life of growing in the love of our Lord and one another, and to a deepening understanding, experience, and practice of our Catholic Christian faith. The mission of Lifelong Formation and Education at St. Albert is to teach Catholic beliefs, traditions, and values in the context of deepening spiritual formation. At St. Albert our faith formation programs and processes for adults, youth, and children, present rich opportunities for all people to grow closer to Christ, both on an individual basis and as a community of faith. Through a process of integrating spiritual formation and religious education, we hope to effect the transformation of people into disciples who will serve as compelling witnesses of the Gospel in today’s world.
Sacramental Preparation
The Sacraments are the Lifeblood of the Catholic Church. They enrich the spirit, unite the family, and inspire the community. Through the Sacraments, we the Church are opened to both the “visible and invisible reality” of Catholicism. We draw upon Christ’s teachings and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate the Sacraments.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a journey of faith which welcomes new adult members into the Catholic Christian Community. It is for those who are:​
not Baptized
Baptized in another faith, but interested in becoming Catholic
It is a journey of understanding, an opportunity to examine Catholic beliefs, and to experience God’s love poured out through the community. Many individuals have joined the Catholic Church though St. Albert the Great. Is this the year for you or someone you know? For more information or to join the RCIA process, contact Deacon Mark Preischel at 502-297-2406.
Adult Formation
St. Albert offers a variety of Adult formation and education programs that help the adult Christian to grow in both wisdom and holiness. By integrating actual life experience with the scriptures, teachings, traditions and practices of the Roman Catholic faith, we hope to empower adults to serve as compelling witnesses to the Gospel.
For upcoming events, please see the Parish Post or contact Laura Graven at 502-425-3940 ext. 169.

Children’s Ministry
Children's Ministry helps our little ones to grow in understanding and faith devotion by showing them how to live a strong Christian life. Our many formation and education programs meet our children where they are in their understanding of Jesus, scripture, and the saints while continuing to explore and expand their knowledge of the Roman Catholic Church and her Traditions.
Please contact Sr. Sarah Yungwirth at 502-425-3940 ext. 105 for more detailed information about our Children's Ministry opportunities.