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Worship Committee

The Worship Committee provides the parish with meaningful, inspirational worship, primarily through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, which is both the source and the summit of Catholic life. The Committee coordinates all aspects of liturgical celebrations and consists of the Pastor, Director of Worship, Worship Chairperson, one Pastoral Council member, and the coordinators of each ministry. This committee works to promote and make our faith the focal point of our parish.


Contact the parish office 425-3940 for more information about the Worship Committee and its ministries.

Worship Ministries

Art & Environment

This ministry takes on the joyful responsibility of enhancing and maintaining our worship environment in accordance with the different liturgical seasons of the Church. Anyone interested in lending their talents: sewing, decorating, designing, painting, gardening, or other creative talents would be a very welcome addition to our committee. Our meetings coincide with the changes in the liturgical seasons.


Contact Laura Sullivan at 502.425.9340 ext. 148 to join this ministry.


Altar Servers

Servers assist the priest during the liturgy and are scheduled to serve daily and weekend Masses on a rotating basis. Any student in grades 5 through 8 may be a server.  Training is provided in spring  of the 5th Grade school year and periodically thereafter. 


Contact Laura Sullivan at 425-3940 ext. 148 to begin serving.



Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend and daily liturgies. Some ministers also take Communion to the residents of several nearby nursing homes and to the homebound of the parish on Sunday mornings. Scheduling is done on a rotating basis and training is provided for this vital and rewarding ministry. Anyone who has been confirmed is eligible to serve as an Minister of Holy Communion.


Contact Paula Englert at 426-3542 for more information.

Art & Environment
Altar Servers
Communion Ministers
Ministers of Hospitality


The role of the lector is to read the scriptures; that is, to praise, glorify and publicly proclaim the Word of God during liturgy. All parishioners, high school age and older can volunteer. Training is provided prior to initial assignment and periodically thereafter.


Please contact Mike Lush at 292-0006 to serve.

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) welcome the community before liturgy. Primarily, they help people to find seats, take up the collection, pass out bulletins, and then straighten the church after Mass. These ministers are assigned to a specific Mass for one month at a time on a rotating basis, with a normal commitment of only 2-4 months out of the year. All men and women of the parish, including teenagers, are invited to volunteer.


Contact Laura Sullivan at 502.425.9340 ext. 148 to volunteer.

Music Ministry

Music plays an important role in the liturgical life of our parish. Opportunities abound for those who wish to share their talents. Our Music Ministry is comprised of an adult choir, Resurrection choir, children’s choir, cantors, and instrumentalists which all work together to enhance our worship experience.


Contact Laura Sullivan at 502.425.3940 ext. 148 for more information on how to get involved.

Music Ministry
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